Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

The challenges is still arising out!.. Keep spirit

Sugar is a strategic commodity with wide power benefits, both for households and industry. Sugar consumption in the country reached 5.7 million tons / year in 2014, while production capacity that can be achieved by the sugar mill industry reached 2.6 million tons / year, so there are still shortages of 3.1 million / year be met from imported sugar.

Based on structural studies, the sugar industry faces problems of both external, relating to the sugar policy is not conducive, and internal factors, which are associated with lower productivity. The two main problems resulted in the national sugar industry to be inefficient and low competitiveness.

Increased production capacity of sugar cane in the country is a priority in the government's efforts to recreate Self-Sufficiency Sugar through the Sugar Cane Mill Revitalization Program in the country, so it is expected to help increase the efficiency and productivity of the sugar industry, both for on-farm and off-farm.

Now sugar mill is a sugar cane agro-based industry, which is the main production of white sugar and ethanol. Design capacity for the production of white sugar product is currently 35,000 – 80,000 tons per year, with the efficiency of the process is 6% - 9%. By doing Restructuring Program Machinery / Equipment Sugar productivity and efficiency of the plant is expected to be a better and sustainable in the years to come.

The productivity of the sugar mill before and after the restructuring machinery / equipment manufacturers increased, where productivity in terms of effectiveness and overall recovery milled an increase. Factors influencing include reduced levels of breakdown in plant and increased mill extraction.

Efficient use of energy in the plant in the ground between the post-restructuring program machinery / equipment decreased, the consumption of diesel fuel and FO (fuel oil), consumption of steam and electricity used in manufacturing operations per ton of sugarcane crushed also decreased. Factors influencing include reduced levels of breakdown, the investment engine replacement / newer equipment so efficient steam and electricity, scheduled preventive maintenance thereby increasing the availability / reliability of equipment.

           Based on the analysis of the external environment and the internal restructuring program concluded that the success of machinery / equipment most sugar mill in Java influenced by several factors, among others: the off farm or sugar mills, the on-farm or plant parts as a supplier of raw sugar, the level of skills of human resources to operate and maintain the machinery / equipment, consolidation and stabilization of sugar cane milling operations, control of engine technology -machinery / equipment is more modern, synchronization and operational efficiency from upstream to downstream production processes, and then management emphasizes focus on products and processes.

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